Thursday, 7 December 2006

eye ulcer...

just the word itself already makes my hair stand... but that's what exactly i have right now on my right eye...

initially, when i went to see my GP yesterday afternoon, she discovered that somehow or another, i managed to scratch my eye ball (the brown part), and there was a minute abrasion on it... probably got the abrasion when i was trying to dry the tears that kept flowing out... that was the reason why i kept having the eyelash-in-my-eye feeling... sent me off with antibiotic eye drops and for me to see an eye doctor if it doesn't get any better by today...

today, though it wasn't so painful, the vision in my right eye is totally blurred... so, to be on the safe side, went to see the eye doctor at Jurong Medical Centre (opposite JP)...

imagine my surprised when after the check-up the doctor concluded that there is an ulcer on my eyeball!!

ewww... i know... sounds scary right...

she even did a scrapping of the ulcer to be sent off for bacterial culture... (which hurts very badly!)

she gave me stronger antibiotic eye drops, to be instilled once every hour, and for me to go back for check-up the next day... am supposed to bring my contacts, and lens solution for her to be sent to the lab, cos she suspects it's due to my contact lens that might have caused the problem.

hopefully by tomorrow my eye will be better, and i'm praying at least for my vision to be restored alittle... now looking through both eyes, everything on my right side is still a blurry vision... like as if there's a translucent thing covering over my right eye...

but, i am thankful that at least i'm not working from tomorrow until monday... at least, there's time for me to rest...

i want my vision back...


the next few weeks anyone see me, i'll probably still be wearing my specs... i need to fit a nicer pair of specs...

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